Sunday 3 September 2017

Feasting in the Forest part 2 - campfire doughnuts!

Having looked through the photos from the bank holiday of camping in the woods I realised there are so many food pictures it is worth a couple of blog posts at least. 

Here is another easy one that I've done with children at work in the past - but was really fun to do socially. 

We made two versions, the first with Elderberry and ginger jam and the second version were lemon curd doughnuts. 

Campfire doughnuts and temporary bee tattoo by Alice Draws The Line

To begin with, buy or make some white bread, choose your filling and make some pancake batter...

Campfire Doughnuts stage 2 by Alice Draws The Line

Spread the filling on the bread (we didn't bother with butter) and add another piece of bread to complete the sandwich.

Next, cut the sandwich into squares - we went for bitesize and did 9 squares out of the one sandwich. We also left the crusts on.

Dip these into the pancake batter so that it covers all sides (we lowered them into a jug of pancake batter with some tongs), then add to the pan with some butter or oil

Campfire doughnuts stage 2 by Alice Draws the Line

Turn them so they cook on all sides...

... temporary tattoo wearing is optional! (but if you feel it would help you can buy them here!) I also highly recommend using a handmade spatula - made by another member of the team (and hopefully soon to be available to buy - watch this space!).

Campfire Doughnuts and CalderWares wooden Bowl

Finally, when all sides are cooked, take them out of the pan and cover in sugar - we used granulated as forgot to take any caster sugar (or you could use icing sugar) with us. The jam will be HOT! so this sugar covering stage gives it some time to cool a bit but do check the temperature before enjoying as they keep their heat for a while (especially if you are doing this with children).

We had ours out of another beautiful bowl by CalderWares (they are busy making at the moment but do check out the Etsy shop for handmade goodness!)